2013: Ohne Geld durch Österreich
In the summer of 2013 David Gross traveled around Austria for five weeks without money. He chronicled his experiences in a blog that became the source of interesting discussion. David Gross is working on a travel book that will also address his experiences during this summer of travel.
2012 – 2016: Austrian Doctors
Hilfe, die bleibt
Austrian Doctors provide volunteer medical assistance in the world’s poorest countries. They train staff, run hospitals and build schools. Together with cameraman Daniel Samer, David Gross produced three films for Austrian Doctors. In cooperation with the parent organization German Doctors.
Serabu Community Hospital, Sierra Leone
St. Francis Assisi School, Calcutta
Calcutta doctor project
2011-2016: Kulturfonds (Culture Fund) Awards
The cultural department of the City of Salzburg awards prizes each year for outstanding achievements in art, culture, science, research and youth work. David Gross, along with his colleagues Bernhard Braunstein and Martin Hasenöhrl, won the 2011 Kulturfond advancement award. The trio has profiled each year’s winners ever since.
Info and Videos: